Hi Everyone.
I have absolutely NO idea on what to post about today.
I don't know if a lot of you read Snowyclaw's Animal Jam Spirit, but the post today mentions how I'm going to be an author on there.
So, I might not always have a chance to post everyday if I post on there, or If I don't. Last year I had to wake up very early to post on Animal Jam Freedom, and I would spend more time in the morning on the computer taking care of Animal Jam related things then I'd prefer. Posts on Animal Jam Goldfish take a lot of time and thinking then you may assume they do. So, if you don't see a post on AJG, you could check AJS to see if I've posted about the Daily Item or not. I'm sorry, I'll try to get some posts ready in advance too, yet I still have a few weeks until school.
This leads me into my next topic..
Animal Jam Obsession. A lot of people have it, and play all day long. There are two types of jamming, Jamming for the fun of it because you're bored, or Jamming because your addicted and you have to do it all day long because you don't want to do other things. From around February 2012 - June 2012 I was pretty addicted to Animal Jam, like bad. I didn't want to do other stuff, and it got in the way of my studying (Which yes, sadly affected my grades) and doing other stuff that I should really take care of.
I mean really, the only good thing about spending all day on Animal Jam is that it gives a lot of time for trading, but if you don't have a lot of stuff to trade, I don't know what to say. I don't want to say that I've spent my whole vacation on the computer, do you? I currently don't know where I stand. I don't know if I'm addicted, or just playing because I have nothing else going on. We'll see where that stands when school starts, and you can tell me.
I once overheard a very wise comment in someones den. "I don't really care about rares, It's not like I can put them on my resume when I'm older" If you don't know what a resume is, it's a form you fill out about yourself, and all the good things you've done and the skills you have to apply for a certain job. Writing down, "I had 2 top hats and Non member bat wings on Animal Jam" won't really help you, now would it?
Didn't think so.
Didn't think so.
You may or may not observe, but 75% of what people jam for on AJ is for rares, if you have them or not, or obsess over them or not. A lot of the people who trade all day long, including yours truly ever once in awhile, it's obvious they only play AJ for rares. Others meet friends through rares. How? Well, people automatically judge others if they should be friends or not through rares, it's a stereotype. Even I do it a lot more then I'd like to admit. I don't usually buddy someone who doesn't have a lot of rares, because one, my buddy list is extremely full and two, because I'm human, and judging like that is just what we do. A lot of people trade now and then, even if they're not a big collector. Rares are a conversation starter, something to talk about.

Whoa, this article got off topic. It's really hard to convince you what I'm trying to make a point out of, but trust me, at some point you'll wake up one day, log onto to AJ and be like, *Pop* OH, NOW I GET WHAT THAT CRAZY GOLDFISHYPUPPY MEANT! Trust me, It'll happen. Do you really want to spend your childhood preteenhood (is that a word? it should be) on the computer? Some of us I know hide our AJ world from our friends, including myself and snowyclaw. That's not really good. It means it's something were embarrassed of, and we can't admit it. Yet I remember in one of Snowy's Jamaasian Movement posts, it mentioned how Animal Jam is an escape. Yes, an escape. A place to live a new life, a different world. It can be a good escape or a bad escape. If Animal Jam makes you happy, go for it, go play Animal Jam! (In moderation, of course.) But if it doesn't, then why play? Most times a lot of people quit, or at least say they are quitting because of drama. They might say it's because of school, or they got scammed, but trust me, it's drama.
Drama isn't all bad, don't get me wrong. A little bit is good. Why? Because if you don't have drama when you're young, and you grow up thinking the whole world is perfect, trust me, you'll have a wake up call and be in tears. You may think drama is just gossip about relationships, rumors, he-did-this, she-did-that, but no. As dictionary.com states it, "any situation or series of events having vivid, emotional,conflicting, or striking interest or results:"
See? So pretty much anything that causes you stress or a lot of TYPING IN CAPS LOCK WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! On Animal Jam, is stress. Been there, done that. Back to what I was saying, if Animal Jam isn't a sweet escape (Side note - Love that song by Gwen Stefani) Then why play? Remember that post a few weeks back? It was called "I'm sorry, friends" Yeah, well, at that time I was going through a lot of drama. And I'm sorry to say, there really isn't a cure for this. I've tried a lot. And I mean a lot of different methods. I guess I suggest if you have that one friend that just NEEDS drama in their life, delete them, and be like, "I'm done with you.". I've tried that one. It kinda worked.
Yep, I'm off topic again. This post has turned out to be a lot longer then I intended. Oh well. Anywho, I've seen this commercial on Tv, It goes something like this: *Shows picture of toddler with a tv remote that has a dull look on his face* "(Blank young age to blank young age) Is the best learning time in your child's life, do you really want them to be watching Tv all the time when they could be learning, that's why we've provided you with... blah, blah blah." I actually took away something from that. Animal Jam isn't really teaching us stuff but Faster Typing. Props to AJHQ, they tried to teach us about Animals and Plants, but let's be honest, who really reads Journey Book facts? They need to be a little more serious about educating, yet people would ignore that, and go back to their usual life of trading. I bet even I would do that. Shame on myself.
I guess if I wanted you to take anything away from this post, is to use Animal jam in moderation and try other things. Sure, you may HATE (And that's a big word) walking the dogs, but why not do it? You're bored sitting on the bridge (Hopefully the unrare right one) in Jamaa, and none of your buddies are on, why not go walk them? It will be better exercise for you, and your dogs will be very happy. If you don't have dogs, why not a walk? Nothings wrong with that. Or something else. Whatever chores you have, or activity's you really should do, or even fun stuff. Your neighbor is playing basketball alone? Why not go shoot some hoops with him/her? I challenge you to do something today, when you're bored on Animal Jam, because we all are bored on AJ sometime. I will too. I will try to do something unique everyday instead of sobbing around Jamaa. And, I'll even throw in this. If you comment with whatever you've done today besides be on AJ, I'll send you mech angel wings. (Please be honest)
I guess if I wanted you to take anything away from this post, is to use Animal jam in moderation and try other things. Sure, you may HATE (And that's a big word) walking the dogs, but why not do it? You're bored sitting on the bridge (Hopefully the unrare right one) in Jamaa, and none of your buddies are on, why not go walk them? It will be better exercise for you, and your dogs will be very happy. If you don't have dogs, why not a walk? Nothings wrong with that. Or something else. Whatever chores you have, or activity's you really should do, or even fun stuff. Your neighbor is playing basketball alone? Why not go shoot some hoops with him/her? I challenge you to do something today, when you're bored on Animal Jam, because we all are bored on AJ sometime. I will too. I will try to do something unique everyday instead of sobbing around Jamaa. And, I'll even throw in this. If you comment with whatever you've done today besides be on AJ, I'll send you mech angel wings. (Please be honest)
WOW. *Scrolls up to see post* I've wrote all this, yet had no clue what to post about?

P.s. Make sure to check out Goldfishypuppy's Blog and Animal Jam Goldfish Contests!
"Others meet friends through rares. How? Well, people automatically judge others if they should be friends or not through rares, it's a stereotype."
ReplyDeleteBest. Thing. Ever. Said.
GOLDY I AGREE WITH YOU!! (Sorry for Caps lock)
Probably, Most people Add me because of Rares, And today, Believe me, I'm getting a lot of Friends, and so, I was Fangirling (If ya know what I mean -Troll face-) Probably here are 2 Reasons.
1. Rares
2. Username
Rares- Yeah I have Glove now, Lei (I owned it already before), Clover, Wreath, Heart Locket, And so on. So, I keep wearing it, People Add me, I delete them (I mean it, if they only want my rares) True. I delete and don't accept ALL buddy requests. 'Cause Even one Girl wanted my rares since I am nice to her BFF, Funbirthdaygirl, Wanted my Rares.
Now, unto Names- Nah. Just Skip it, It's not part of the Post Anyway. LOL XD
~Dreamzy (DreamsOfBlue)
But here's One more thing Gold:
DeleteI love your Post.
Amazing. Incredible. Awesome. Epic. AmazinglyIncrediblyAwesomlyEpic (Even a Word?)
And Believe me, Since Class started, I've been Hanging out with my Classmates Lately, But in Summer, I've been in the Computer Playing AJ, I was still Thracey11-- A SUPER addict. I was Extremely Rare. Though Most did not want my Stuff :( Sad, I know sad, I cared about rares way before. No matter what, Me and SparklePink21 Always talk about rares, I gotta Admit that.
And I have to go, This is all I could Say Bye!
Today I played tennis and helped meh mom :P
DeleteWow, after reading this post, i feel free now. I feel liked I have escaped the world of Jamaa. Thank you. <3
DeleteI didn't e read it so ooooooooooooooooooo sory bout that im playing on my friends acount ( not hacking ) to get her more stuff
DeleteToday I tidied my parents room and my room and my sisters! I also went swimming with my golden retriever, Ivy.
ReplyDelete(Oh and i dont need mech angel wings)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're going to be an author on Snowy's Blog! I laughed a few couple times reading this post. Wait, You had nothing to talk aboutm and to posted all that? *Awkward moment of silence*
Best post ever. These days of don't do so much of animal jam partially cuz of school, and now I realized that I don't need to play so much. so i took up tae kwon do!∩_∩
ReplyDeleteI thought this was your best post yet Goldy! Today I went to the park, played with some friends, and came back home to look at your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou are 100% correct on that one.
ReplyDeleteI went bike riding with my friends to the park. And we had a bike race. ^.^
ReplyDeletei really wish i wasn't so addicted too animal jam... but sadly i am lol. today i had school, which kinda gets my mind off AJ. later today i have cheerleading practice (no, i'm not the snobby popular kind of cheerleader lol) and i have homework so i don't have much time on here, which is kinda good because i don't wanna become an AJ freak XD
ReplyDeleteWow that was long but I read it all and it was right.
ReplyDeleteNormally on my list I only keep people who are kind or are my friends in real life.
I made a sock monkey out of two old socks. I think it's really cute .
( I don't think anyone will want your wings for just posting what they did today there all to kind to want your rares
I went to school and before school I played with my sisters! I'm not gonna be on animal jam for that long tonight, I probably make a lame attempt at playing my trumpet and then read and go to bed.
ReplyDelete~Crazee4horses (ze marvelous nonmember who likes..... CHEESE!!!!!!! Lol)
Hi Goldy, this was a good post! 100% accurate! I guess I am a tad addicted... :/ Wish I wasn't though... :( Anyway today I rushed round the garden with my cat and went shopping. Ummm...I think that's about it lol! Yeah, rares are a thing to chat about... But, no offence to anyone who this refers to, I notice that most of the time jammers who say "it's just a pixelated item! it DOESN'T MATTER! It's not REAL!" generally have tons of rares themselves.... :/ Anyway... the reason I like "rares" is because they LOOK BETTER! In beta everything was loads nicer, and not all modern and humany... :/ (Sorry I'm doing that face a lot!) Guess that's it... (Also doing ... a lot) Meep bye!
- I don't need wings. Even if I wanted 'em I'm not a member so you couldn't send them! -
O.O U have such a nice blog!!!!! U must be gifted! I have a blog.. But its just... Not more..of a blog anymore....... No one checks it out. =(
ReplyDeleteBut im happy for u!
I can check out your blog! :D
DeleteI went to ringette camp!! I have ringette camp all week, and today I did 1 hour of power skating, 1 hour of ringette practice and 2 hours of dryland/fitness training. yesterday, we had to do 2 hours of fitness tests, along with the same stuff we did today. I'm preparing for my sixth year of playing ringette!!
You are absolutely right! About this whole post. Well what i did today was i hung out with my friends, Then i went to gymnastics class and did loads of exercise (i do gymnastics everyday) Then i read a book and walked my dogs. I actually had a pretty fun day and thats what i usually do. Im usually on the computer at the most like an hour/ hour and a half. Something like that.
ReplyDeleteAnyways your totally right about everything!!
Today, I went to school, rode my bike for about an hour, walked to and from school, raced my friends and walked my dog. I don't need Mech Wings and I don't want them... I just wanted to say I actually do stuff.
Today instead of playing Aj I went for a bike ride with my friend Stephanie. It was way more fun then sitting around trying to earn gems for something that you couldn't actually have In real life :)
ReplyDeleteToday instead of playing Aj I went for a bike ride with my friend Stephanie. It was way more fun then sitting around trying to earn gems for something that you couldn't actually have In real life :)
ReplyDeleteInstead of playing Aj I finished my book 13 secrets which had a very food ending. It was way more fun than sitting around trying to earn gems for a item you could not even have in real life :)
ReplyDeleteYou read 13 secrets?! my username is peppywolf I've only read 13 curses :P I love those books, but my school's library didn't have the other one's, neither did my public library, and I can't order anymore books off amazon 'cause my mom already bought me a few, and a couple of games off amazon. I could behind my mom's back, but that's not right, anyways how was 13 secrets?
DeleteToday instead of playing AJ I finished my 13 secrets book which had a very good ending. It was way more fun then sitting around on AJ trying to earn a item that you could not even have in real life
ReplyDeleteInstead of playing AJ today, I rode on my Road Bike around my block, went swimming with my best friend, and went to my School's Open House! I had a blast, and I am telling the truth. And you don't have to send me Mech Angel Wings, I don't care about rares. ^-^
After I first joined Animal Jam, I admit I was 100% addicted. I just loved the amount of customization! I know, that reason may sound weird to you, but it's true! AJ was far different than the other web games I had previously played, and I could connect with my best friend on there ^^. She in fact, was the one who introduced me to the game.
ReplyDeleteI used to come home from school each day and play Animal Jam until it got late. That, I am not proud of.
A few weeks after joining, I went to the library because I needed to drop off some overdue books, and I found some cool new ones that I got instantly hooked on. Apparently, the author has written 50+ books and there are many more to come. 0-0 So, reading those took a healthy chunk out of my Animal Jam schedule and I learned other fun things I could do instead of be online.
And today, I went shopping, read a book, went to my friend's house to hang out, and listened to The Beatles. I don't need the wings though, I have quite a few of them already and I rarely wear them. :T
I took a 2 1/2 hour walk with my friend and her mom today. :)
This is an awesome post. I Had Football Conditioning and I went swimming.
ReplyDeleteI understand your post, I really do. I was so addicted to animaljam when I first started. I played hours and hours each day until about a week and a half ago. I started cross country Practice, where I actually have HUMAN interaction. We run about 3-6 miles each practice, which is from 8:30-10:30. I'm starting to try and give myself a time limit, no more than 3 hours a day ( yes that seems like a lot) and spaced out so I don't fry my brain (lol)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I <3 cross country! I am one of the best on my team :) so keep running! it may be tough but you can do it if you BELEIVE!!!
It's a sad thing, because most people don't understand how hard it is to quit, even in your heart you wanted to, you just can't. Rares holding you back? Probaly. All you can think, is "Omg, but it took me so long to get them, and I like them!" Giving away little-by-little can help that. And none of my friends know I play this 'kitty' game. Except one. Im glad she appreciates me for it. (She even started to play and liked it) YES, your righ no 13 year old shouldbe playing this game, but i do. I started 11. But years passed and I feel like a retard for making this account. Maybe think to yourself, "Do I regret making my account, or not?" I hate to say it, but I started out as a no-one. I saw all other rare jammers in jamaa. I'd try to talk to them, but they'd just leave when I said "hi" or "hello" Why? Of course, because I wasnt rare then! But, People wonder how I got rare? Well, one day I had a clover blaket, and someone WAY overtraded and ended up giving me a TAN TOP HAT. I didnt know this item was rare at the time, and traded it for a ninja mask. Then I traded that ninja mask for a nonmember glove (when rare) then about a month later I had 2 tops, wings, and a red glove (rare) and it went on. All because I made that account, I becaem who I am today, I regret playing animal jam.
ReplyDeleteI did some math when I was bored on aj once, it wasn't required heck it was even before school started. I don't play aj for rares, yeah sure sometimes I want rares, so I can trade them for items I actually want, but who cares? I play animal jam to decorate my den, to dress my pet, to think of new ideas that jammers can do themselves so they aren't begging ajhq to add new things jammaa! I like animal jam because I can express my creative abilities, to help my imagination grow, why you might ask. I want to be an author, a writer, a poet! And to be any of those things you need a huge imagination, fun expirences, and most importantly you need to be a good author, to publish a book. I practice my typing, my writing, and I even expand my vocabulary on aj. I've met jammers using words I've never heard of, and jammers have met me without a clue of what I was saying (given they were 8) But the thing is, animal jam is my creative outlet, and I only want rares, and epic items for my den, and animal not to be respected, but to be able to decorate my den, and dress my animal how I want. I admit I don't need rares for a cool den, but I do for how I want my den, because let's face it some rares are ugly as heck, but some are goregous, and just make for a better den/animal. I have made a non-member den and it's my second favorrite of my dens, it's stylish, small, and not crowded with junk, and rares. My username is peppywolf if you were wondering... Not that anyone would care, but I don't really care if you don't, so I guess that's all I have to say. P.S. Animal jam is not my only crative outlet I write, draw, and sometimes I just sit, and think, imagine, and brainstorm fun ideas for animal jam, decorating my room, and I think about my future. I admit I'm not the most creative person in the world, but I daydream far to often, I don't try to I just lose focus. I'm amazed that me of all people is in advanced english, and math, and is currently a straight A student...
ReplyDeleteBecause I find it hard to focus which you would've realized if you read this, I'm still young so it's no big deal, actually I'm pretty sure it's normal, daydreaming is a sign of good memory :3
DeleteToday I woke up at 5:45 and went on a 4 mile hike up in the foothills. It was uphill for a lot of the way, which was difficult on some of the rough trails, but it was all worth it when we got to the top and saw that amazing view. We went with a group, so i got to meet some really awesome people. When i got back from the hike I went swimming with my best friend, and took tons of hilarious pictures with her underwater camera. In other words, I had a very tiring, but extremely fun day. (Oh, and I don't have any need or desire for a gift, I just wanted to let people know that I'm not somebody with no life outside of AJ)
ReplyDeleteHave a fantabulous day!! :D ~SalamiSpoon06 <3
Inspired.wow.I think all you said is true and that Animal Jam sould have a rule that you can only be online for 15 or less mintunes a day.Ever since I got a silver glove and an arctic wolf EVERYONE (sorry for all caps.) wanted to be my friend. I think that when you give someone a friend request you have to type in why you want to be friends with them. I'm Rebekah Williams age 10 and I aprove this message.
ReplyDeleteThis is Rebekah again. I'm going to spend my AJ time on making friends with people who would be good friends and that will allow me to tell (some) private information so we could be friends in real life. (This would be good because I only have 4 friends from school.) There will probly be a rule that you can't be on AJ if you're a teen. They are the people who say "Go to my den" and "Are you takin?" because some are losers who can't find dates at school.
ReplyDeleteBTW my username is wildwolf2713 still Rebekah.
ReplyDeleteToday I went outside and had a epic snowball fight with my friends. Then I came iniside and read lord of the rings and sipped hot coco. Now I am on your blog, commenting. My username is Splotch1324, and I am a member. Wings would be appreciated, but not required. I think I might be a little bit addicted to aj at the moment... Oh well. By the way, I am making a hansel and gretel play. Comment or catch me when I'm on for more info. You might not even read this comment, but im posting it anyway. :p that's it! Thanks for the awesome post and(possibly) wings!
ReplyDeleteim very addicted to AJ but dont go on it evrryday also today i read my libary books, played with my cats (i have 3) helped my mom with greenbeans ok thts about it
ReplyDelete-wolfhead7360 and btw u dont have to send em i dont care bout rares and if u do i thank u
I love this post!! most jammers on aj only think about rares, or trading,or rares. Animaljam just isn't really a learning website. I will admit that i used to be a total addict to animal jam. I played it all day, all night, and even while i was eating lunch. I haven't been playing as often. Today I went to church, played with my friend and went to the library.
ReplyDeleteWow very true Breathless..
ReplyDeleteI did use your advice instead of playing on AJ I went swimming :)
Btw I am Doughnutt on AJ
I had become addicted to animal jam....I confess.....the first 2 months I just played to be in like the clans and all but then....I wanted to look rich and have a spike. I started trading....and trading....and that's all I did at one point. I would come home from school and get on and try trading forever. I have a very rare account now (a claw, 2 spikes,3 clouds) all I played for any more was for trading. My parents noticed me becoming more grumpy and said I needed to lay off. I did .....for about a day. So then my parents only said 1 hour a day. That didn't last very long...I am ashamed. Finally one day my mom told me to go to sleep. I went back in my bed but then...I got out my laptop and checked my mail for mailtime.I was caught and they finally said no more animal jam.this is my 3 day without it and I am just now starting to realize how bad it was. I am ashamed but now happy that I finally opened my eyes. Lately I have taken up art as a new hobby and I have become very good at drawing wolves =D just word of the wise....balto careful with an.
ReplyDelete*be careful with aj ( lol sorry auto correct)
I did alot of stuff today! :) I played with my neighbors outside, went swiming in a public pool, (but that victory was short lived because some kid pooped in it) I went on a walk and took my younger sis on a bike ride :) she enjoyed it alot and I Will forever treasure the smile on her face :) by the way my name is silentflight (on AJ) I may have alot of rares but I spend most of my time with my friends and not trading :) I, also had AJ addicition, I considered quitting but considered how my friends would feel if I quitted.. I hope they didn't hope to get my items :( wow this is a long comment but bye
Oh I also draw ALOT of wolves anonoymus, I love to draw so much that I draw ALL THE TIME! like 24/7 I think I have an addiction to drawing too :P my disney create name is icypool and if you search that on google you will find some of my pics but other thinds are just pools filled with ice XD
Over the winter it has been EXTREMELY cold where I live. So I have been WAAAAYYY over obsessed with animal jam. And although everyone in my class is not into games like this, I don't hide my true self! What's so bad about playing the computer? I have actually gotten a few more kids in my class to play it. Ok back to the topic, today I am asking my dad to set up the trampoline. I'm pretty sure that will cut my aj playing time down by at least 2 hours a day! I am on spring break, and my parents both work so I am home with my little sister all day until 5 pm. I always have thought, what else do I have to do? Now your post has made realize I have plenty of things to do.
ReplyDeleteThat comment above was from pupp1266
Hello! I am xoxokennaxoxo10. Today I danced for two hours ( I dance 15 hours a week) and then I played with my dog princess outside. I also practiced some gymnastics in my backyard. Mechanic wings are appreciated, but not required.
ReplyDeleteThanks for making an awesome blog! =3
Hi Goldy! You have no idea who I am but I'm bats73, a girl who is slightly more honest than most people by nature (but is tragically good at lying when she chooses.) :)
ReplyDeleteI think about what you posted ALL THE TIME!!! Every time I play AJ for more than 2 hours, I log off and ask myself, "WHAT did I waste my time doing?!" yeah, most of the time Animal Jam is uber-fun, and I want to play longer. But what else could I be doing?
So today I spent almost 4 hours finishing my Summer homework, drew a picture of a colorful 2 headed dragon, tried to work on my not-so-brilliant cartwheel, juggled a soccer ball off my knees 7 times, lost tragically at dodge ball to my brother and his wacko friends, made 2 foul shots in a row backwards over my head, made myself some toast with raspberry jam, and looked up the spelling of raspberry.
I know you will never read this, since sadly you have quit, but we all love you, and I would've been proud to be your friend.
12 year old soccer artist star, who has had an ice blue lava glove for nearly 2 years and will never ever trade it-
lol, I spent so long reading this sad-but-true post that I was logged out of Animal Jam twice! XD
Well i went to 7-Eleven and got a chaclate longjohn went past my buddies house (n real life) ate white catsle for lunch and went to my grammas before going to jewel (a store) and eating roman noodles for dinner then reading this blog XD im doogal BTW
ReplyDeleteMy friend lukey514 is ADDICTED to rares. He always asks me for rares, I say NO most of the time, he even scammed me once. I just HATE but yet feel sorry for the people who are addicted to rares. I have more important things to do: School, my friends and go outside! Unless you have a reason not to...... I did, a wasp nest in this case.
ReplyDeleteYour right. Without rares, animal jam would be not be that popular. But I don't play because of the rares, I play because of 3 things:
ReplyDelete1: Friends, that are always there for me,
2: Fun, even without rares, animal jam is a place where anyone can have fun,
3: People. I go on animal jam knowing that someone needs help. And I would do anything to go to that person and help them. They are the people that I can truly have as friends.
I believe in you goldy,
I am about to go to Montauk, where I can't play AJ. If I say I had fun there in a later post, send it to Cutespirit68950.THX =/\./\= <===btw that is a cat;)
ReplyDeleteBtw, my sis is coming send
ReplyDeleteBoth to continental23
ReplyDeleteCuz I am NM
ReplyDeletei did my homework played with friends and had phisical education
ReplyDeletethank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! this post finnally opened up my eyes !!!!!! before i read this i used to play this game like everyday whenever i could and i was mean and ignoring to everyone,my grades were falling and i was not getting nearly enough exersise but then i read your post and found out i need 2 get out more thank you sooooo mutch i am going 2 send you a gift thank you so mutch (p.s. I played animal jam all day sorry i had to be honest) ~lol23233
ReplyDeleteI have played Club Penguin, helped with my Christmas tree,I have played football in my playroom ( I throw the ball and run to catch it lol technically I am throwing the ball to myself). So Animal Jam is not the only thing for you to do.
ReplyDelete- Dinosam2010
Errr... What I did, Went too school, Did bad in P.E. (lol the most obvious thing, I suck at sports all expect for Dodgeball) I had a icecream when i got home, bounced on the trampoline, burned off calories, ran round the garden screaming madly like a insane person, Played with my pet doggy Victor, washed him, ate a snickers bar, Fed the parrots Tommy And Squirt, Ate dinner, then sat down for 5 minutes, breathed and had a rest. then i went on aj at about 7.30. took about 13 seconds too check for updates, went too ur blog, and made this! .3. So I deserve the mech wings, mm, yes? (Only if u want 2)
ReplyDeleteI'm rockgirlland XD (That's my AJ user)
And after I read ur post, I'm 100% sure I'm OVER-ADDICTED.
I mean, I used to spend AT LEAST 5 hours on AJ!
That was until I was forced to a 2 hour a day situation.
I was upset and angry when I was informed about that..
So now, I play tricks and do weird things just to extend my time on AJ.. even if it's just 2 mins.. SHAME ON ME!
Well, that's all I have to say!
Btw, I walked my cute little golden Labrador to he of the kind old (and I mean old..) ladies home and made her tea XD
Sorry, I had a mistake of *he it's supposed to me *one.
ReplyDeleteI truly don't want a Mech Angel Wings, but since you offered then ok. :)
ReplyDeleteToday I took out the recycling and played with my dog. :3
i tried taking my cat for a walk O_O that didnt turn out he fell asleep like 10 feet away from the house so then i tried to go on the tredmill i got tired of that in 15 min :P so then i got my scooter out bruhed off the dust cleans the wheels and went to my neighbors house to ask her to play with me but she was doin homework so i rode around the neighbor hood on my scooter then it started raining ;-; so then me and my mom turned off the lights and told scary stores then i got bored so i went on aj again that was basically my day...
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DeleteI have to admit i was addicted to the computer this summer break i wouldnt even pet my dog like more then 10 times per day O_O but then during october my friend said HEY wanna come to my birthday party? and i came and i relized its much funner so yah i have to admit that of course ~coolcat2853
DeleteI am too addicted to animal jam I can't stop playing animal jam!
ReplyDeleteI think rares are vital in order to keep the game interesting but realistically, all they are are pixelated, computerised items for animals. Seriously, would you want to waste hours of your time trying to gain a pixelated, non real item which has a tiny sign on it saying 'rare'? I apologise for sounding rude here although I definitely think rares are a waste of time. I appreciate they're fun to trade and that some players like rares
ReplyDeleteWHY am I addicted to this game??? I can't stop playing...
ReplyDeleteI like this game WAY to much.. when my dad gets home I am going to ask him to take me to get two hours of excersise
ReplyDeleteHey random people o,o I just wanted some advice... Lately I've been so bored on animal jam and I know that it's because I am getting to old. School just keeps getting harder and next year, I'm starting high school! I just really wanted to enjoy my last year with all my friends because we are all going to different high schools, but anyways... I want some advice because as much as I want to quit aj I really can't ! I think it's because I barely started making videos for YouTube and I have membership and I don't wanna quit and give all my stuff away. Mainly because I have played aj for 2 years and giving all the stuff I worked hard for really sucks. So can anyone give me any suggestions of what I can do on animal jam that will help me get out of boredom ?! Lol thanks
ReplyDeleteToday I'm not allowed to use aj cause its christmas eve so I walked the dog up the tippy-top of the hill and ran as fast as i can back down (I got a pretty nasty knee scrape from that). After that I patched my jeans(hey it had to be done). Then I just had to log on for the daily prize. I was on for two minutes.
ReplyDeleteI played with the cats, helped my mom work, and ran around for no reason.. I don't need the rare. I already have it.
ReplyDeleteI played with the cats, helped my mom work, and ran around for no reason.. I don't need the rare. I already have it.
ReplyDeletei went to the park and ran around today
Today, i was riding an airplane and crash into the world trade center in AJ.
ReplyDeletelmfao bouta hack all the users on this page yall dumb
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