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Friday, August 24, 2012

Rarity Scan #9: Skullies

Hi Jammers!
Yes, I know this item doesn't exist anymore, but I thought I would post about it to clear some things up.
Ah, yes, the Skully. Animal Jam's first ever tail item, sold in Jam Mart Furniture on the First page in beta times. (You can see a picture on our beta times page.) It was the cheapest item ever sold in Animal Jam, at 10 gems a piece. Let's take a look.. Two skulls on top of eachother, on some attachment item to the tail. 
By now, you may be thinking, "I've never seen one of these..."
That's because they were all removed from the game. Completely. Zip. Every single one.
No one really knows why, but I'm guessing they were a little too punk rock, death-like for the young beta testers and their parents to handle. Or who knows? They may have been glitching up Animal Jam.

What They're Worth:
Well, I guess this could be a matter of opinion. Either nothing, because they don't exist. Or Priceless/Everything, because they don't exist and if one still did, it would be worth a lot. 

My Prediction:
I don't think skullies will ever be resold again. Animal Jam removed them completely for a reason, and that reason must've been pretty good to do something that drastic. They could have just stopped selling them, or given them out to special jammers like the beta eye, but no, removed every single one.

P.s. Make sure to check out Goldfishypuppy's Blog and Animal Jam Goldfish Contests!


  1. I was given skullies by a mod, along with friends.

    I am 90% sure he did that just because they were deleted a week later. We sent letters asking why. They blamed the phantoms.

    I thought they were removed because of a glitch or that when worn by a panda and said panda did the play action, it looked... well, you get the idea maybe.

    Though, you could be right about the ideological sensitivity. But that would raise questions about the skull helmet or other items.

    It was the prototype of tail items, though there were a few others being tested at the time (but not released to public, just mods were able to wear them ingame) like the Tail Elf Armour.

    1. http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html

      Why is the sky blue? I know! :)


    2. They removed them because they looked like balls on pandas

    3. They banned them because they looked SUPER innapropiate on pandas, because pandas are fat and they have a small tail. When the skullies were on the panda, they hung down to their butt and looked like balls. That's why they were removed. -sweetypants

  2. Hello!! It's Animalgirl58943 here! Actually I think skullies will come out at some point. I mean remember when they removed blankets? Well, there back in stores now! So I think they may come out. But, who knows! ~Animalgirl58943

    1. They probably will come back out but somehow not looking....bad.... on pandas. Remeber they got rid of the backpacks? They're back too now! *because everyone who wanted to go to an AJ school complained about it, i guess*

  3. I called animal jam and they said top hats and some of the early early betas might come back!! I asked if the founders' hat could be a member gift for 2013 he said it could be a good idea.!

  4. Tops came out, blankets came out, eyeballs came out, all kinds of betas came back, but i think they were testing skullies and eventually they will bring them back to animal jam stores because like every (Almost every) beta it will come back. Or maybe it glitched up animal jam. I think only 1-4 jammers have skullies of a glitch and they didnt go bye bye so i guess we will see...

    1. Nope. No one has a skully. It was COMPLETELY removed. Plus, the reason they were removed is because they looked innappropriate on pandas..

  5. i know why! well in the beta days when it was sold when the pandas put them on they looked inappropriate... after like yea 1 week or 2 they totally banned it FOR EVAH, so, they not coming back :\

    1. could u describe how it woulld look inapproiate? I would like to know please! Even if its too gross, i would really like to know! Thanks if you do say it!

    2. It looked like a Pen15 on pandas

    3. I can get that, because of the pandas' short tails.Now there will be rabbits, koalas, panda, all those other animals. They might make it one single skull, now. Maybe?

  6. I play animal jam and i am vary rare (not to brag)and i would love for them to come back maybe for member gifts passably.

    1. You're rare, from what I see in the picture. I have been trying and trying for a month straight for betas and rares, but no one ever accepts. Would you mind sending me something? Thank you, I appreciate it...
      My user; Goldnergold

  7. I know why, when skullies were used on pandas, they looked "innappropriate."

    1. Like... ugh.. balls.. *puke* And HAI, im LeafeonProductions9. i was scammed outta' my skullies

    2. sarcasim............. "innappropriate"

  8. Yes JabberWacky is right my friend that was in the "beta days" said they looked innappropiate on some animals like pandas and they scared little kids. :T -wolfgirl022

  9. it looked like a private part :/

  10. Skullies are gone because they looked like man parts on a panda on animal jam

  11. Skullies were removed beause they looked like a Pen!s on pandas

  12. Well stop saying that because little kids might be reading

    The best Jammer

    1. Look im Leafeonproductions9.. im 9 and.. well.. they kind of HAD to say something.. and they wanted us to tell em' why them skullies may have been removed....

  13. They were removed because well... Find out what they look like on pandas and.. *puke*

  14. Im LeafeonProductions9 and, i been around since them beta days. And.... pandas had a big problem with skullies... i was a collector, and i was scammed outta' them...

  15. They were removed because they looked liek balls on the pandas and koalas. O_O XD

  16. Replies
    1. Hehe. I'm 9 too. It's not so bad.. I guess... I've seen worse actually xD

    2. I am 13, what is a pen15? What does pen 15 mean?! It makes so sense

    3. I am 13 and aren't balls a toy? How are they gross?

    4. You've got a LOT to learn child
      (me replying to a very old comment)

  17. not to say anything weird but where were skullies worn on any animals body?

    1. The skullies on AnimalJam were worn on most jammer's tails, although they could also come back as bracelets for all jammers, sometime in the future! I could probably say it wasn't aporpriate for most animals like Pandas, tigers and probably the new animals that have already came to jamaa! The skullies weren't very stylish/helpful to other jammers views! it kinda looks like your panda had a big "part" on there lower body... have fun jamming jammers!

      note: hope this wasn't to weird sounding for u We try our best to help other jammers!

    2. by the way On AJ I Am Arcticwolf6223 peace.

    3. snowy write smething about skullys on your blog

    4. if dey look bad, take make sure dat dey cant be on dat animal, its as simple as dat

  18. The reason they took Skullies out because of it's look on pandas.

  19. ok people u dont hav 2 say all that stuff little ppl r prob reading this- they dont hav 2 know about why the skullies were removed. or WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE on a panda ;-;

    1. ikr i just say it was removed cuzof the way they looked on pandas ppl don't need to go into details.... 0-0

  20. Skullies were removed due to a panda wearing them, it would look like they had a boys "Thing"

  21. I think I want to ask animal jam to give them back and just make a different look for the pandas

  22. I just asked for them back i never got to see them .-.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. the skulliez on pandas looked like this * panda * (: * nasty part * 8- ok this is how they look 8-(:

    1. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww O-O MAKE IT STOP PLEASEEEEEEEEE

  25. They were removed because they looked innapropite on pandas

  26. man im glad i didnt have a panda at the time cuz i aslo did not buy the skullies

  27. all you guys are making the skullies sound disgusting, no offense but that is just gross... and hello im 8 years old and i read this because i wanted to know how skullies look but now i wish i didn't it's just to gross because everyone's saying it looked like a man's 'thingy' gross no offense anyone.

    1. i made no offense as positive a possible sorry everybody but im totally grossed out no offense anyone .-.

    2. by the way im arielluva on animal jam if you want to buddy me :D

    3. I know i was in the BETA days and it scared me and i wondered why aj could even possibly make that mistake in their game. its just gross that they did that

  28. i think skullies will come back! just different u know like maybe on the wrist?
    or they will come out the same way BUT if ur a panda and put it on...
    it will be shown on the wrist!

    1. I know i keep saying this but aj can't bring them back because they are deleted from everything they have to re-draw it to bring it back which is possible but i doubt that aj will do that sense u gotta pay now for free chat

  29. Ok, so. First of all, Skullies were the worst item in Animal Jam BETA to start with. Second of all, AJHQ's reason to remove them was because they looked like a very inapropiate privite part from a man, but this look was only happening to pandas.... This scared the stars out of the kids :(

  30. *barf* it so gross.. cray to the z to the *puke* worst beta evahhh *vomit*

  31. I hope skullies come back but look different on other animals...... I mean they look so emo and I love the emo stuff! Maybe that's why I have spikes on all of my animals...not just for the rareness but fir the look of pain and suffering......I mean come on aniaml jam couldn't yoiu make it a wrist item? Mans private parts are just gross......

    1. Animal Jam can no longer bring it back unless they draw it and animate it all over again because it is deleted DX

  32. they have been removed because they looked like boy parts on pandas, there quick explenation


    1. I know people don't get that they were deleted aj cannot give them to you cause they are deleted and other people on aj can code an item to look like a skully.....

  34. i traded a rare bow and betas for one......

  35. Hi jammers there are new skullies coming daisy0447 has them. Its on her trade list so she declined four founders for it

  36. i know someone who has them and they are on trade it is batwing107 idk how she does

    1. shes a hack. its actually a freedom hat, coded to look like a skully. I want one to scam.

  37. they took off skulies cuz they looked like innaproprate on a panda

  38. Skullies still exist, I have seen quite a few, so yes, they are worth a lot

    1. I'm sorry but your wrong.... Skullies in fact were removed from the game you cannot call aj for them because they deleted the item forever...... these are removed because they just looked weird and not appropriate on pandas which is stupid. This is just what i heard from several people.

  39. Guys skullies where removed for a good reason.
    Ok so we know that an Aj panda has a fat butt (wait don't they all?) and when a
    fat butted panda danced with a skullie on the short little tails they have, it didn't show
    up so pretty. Aka boys junk.
    So I hope I cleared things up and I also have a blog: sinyuk.blogspot.com

  40. EWWW don't put that image in my head :-: o-o

  41. it was removed because it look very disturbing on pandas tails. (was covering the pandas tail when the danced and I looked like... well, I don't want to say it... just bad very bad)

  42. They were removed from the game (or at least everyone thinks) because when they were worn on pandas and the pandas danced, well... they show the front of their body when they dance right? Well it looks like a mans part and it looks very disturbing. BTW I have seen somebody (in 2014) with skullies and they wore it on their panda and well... that's how I know what they look like, and the username is something to do with batman I apologize for not knowing the full username.
    Bye for now!

  43. meow meow meow meow meow meow SKULLIES NEED TO BE LEG ITEMS and btw, anbody new one of the skulls on skullie had a bow? look closer

  44. the reason animal jam took them away is because when they were on the panda it looked like balls...

  45. Some people say they were removed because they looked inappropriate on pandas, but I'm not sure I completely agree with that. I've been playing since the beta and I don't remember seeing many people wear skullies so I'm not sure if that's the case or not. I saw someone with skullies 6 months ago, but since they were a snow leopard I could not tell if it really does look how people say it looks on pandas.


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