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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mad Impostering?

Today when me and PatientPanda were working on my new music video, early at 1am, we got spammed with some letters of our friend's imposters.

First it started out with my imposter,
The L in Gold is really and uppercase i. Of course, like all imposters and clones, they have my ear color wrong -.- It's freedom hat blue, fyi.

The next imposter was..
Again, the L is an uppercase i. This is imposting..
My good daughter john!

Last was Patient's love, Silver101's imposter:
The L is an uppercase i, of course. This made panda really upset.
Here is the real silver, the star, not master.

Here is a picture of all the imposters smiling together:

Now, isn't this strange?
Who do you think are the imposters?
Do you agree that they are the same person?
What are your other thoughts?


  1. That's kinda scary, all those imposters in the same place at the same time.

  2. Yeah... They probably are the same person. BUT they could be in like a network. Anyway.. how did you get that picture? As soon as my impostors see me, they vacate.

  3. i think they are impostering to get rare items for their normal accounts and may be all different people tryingt to get different rares.

  4. LOL you should copyright

  5. imposters try to get rares and i've seen this dude imposting Julian2 his user was JuIian2 with a uppercase 'i' -.- get a life imposters..


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