Note: She removed her blog
Hey everyone!
In my last post, I mentioned how MagicDream had a blog that copied my blog, which she took down.
Well guess what, It's back up! It's been up for about a week now, and I've warned her, and so have my friends.
Well, let's spin back in time before I start talking about her current blog. Months ago, back in May, her old blog, "Magic797's blog" (That was her old username) was plagiarizing my and snowyclaw's blog! I posted about this TWICE on my old blog, Animal Jam Freedom and I mentioned how this act is called plairgiazing and IS ILLEGAL and I even showed the copyrights that Snowyclaw and I have on the bottom of our blogs! If you would like to see the posts, you can
Here are the most important parts from the posts:
(Sheriff Badge and a Blog Copying Update)
Well, first of all I think this blog copying has ended- as far as plagiarizing.
For those of you who don't know what plagiarizing is, here is a better definition then I could ever give provided by dictionary.com:
(When searching that, it linked to the real word which is plagiarism)
Which I DO have rights to my blog, and COPYRIGHTED as you guys who actually scroll down to the bottom of my blog can see:
So does
snowyclaw.....Which brings me to my next point.

Magic797 has decided to copy-and-paste SNOWYCLAW's Posts now! (Still using the same exact format as my blog although..)
Snowyclaw posted this first... I even have proof:
At 12:22PM
Then Magic797 posted this:
Wow, now read the last enlarged picture.
She says she could care less and that I only want to start a fight. Well, it seems that she doesn't.
A few days ago I commented on everything she copied and how so.
She copied my iPod Nano down to the exact color - light blue.
Now it's changed to hot pink XD
Also, thanks for being so supportive everyone - but please don't be too mean.
I don't hang with mean people, I can guarantee you that.
I just have very supportive readers ^-^
You think I won't stop my blog? Oh, please. I will screen record me doing it if you want, if you keep this plagiarizing up.
Well, I'm not going to be posting anything more about this since it's
getting a little too personal for the blog. Unless she starts
copying-and-pasting my posts again..then I have a right to fine her.
Please tell snowyclaw about this too, as their about of this now. Snowy is my buddy, so I will tell snowy that too.
(Serious Update- Please Read)
I cannot Believe how Magic797 keeps copying my blog. Here is a link to her blog.
Her blog looks more like the old style of freedom, but that's exactly why I changed it.
Here is a list of all the ways she copied my blog:
- The Old Background (Stars) She said she would change it after I made
her banner, and she did for a day but then switched it back.
- The tabs style and font. (Thats why the font went back to it's old style after the update)
- If you look, she exactly copied and pasted her Update post from 5/10 from mine, only leaving out a few things and adding in a few from my Update post.
- She copied my poll that was my first and that i've always had from
January 2011, What is your favorite animal? (That's why all the animals
aren't listed)
- She copied my iPod Nano app and the Jammer of the Week poll idea right after I added them
- Every time I add a new page, she copies it and Copys and pastes what I have written on there.
- Her Jammer of the week intro copied mine.
- ^ Same with the 'Ask Magic Page'
- ^Copied my exact scammers list
- ^Copied my 'Contest page' intro word for word.
- ^And my 'FAQs' page intro.
We have had some other issues going on, so that's why I made her a
banner. She then wasn't that appreciative, and kept asking
for advantage of. Now she asked me how to make a signature like mine,
and so on and so forth. Now for mainly this reason and some others,
Because the only way to stop copiers is for them having nothing to copy, right?
I don't really ask you to do anything, but be aware of my reasoning. If
you want to help, you could ask her to stop in comments on her blog. I
have asked her many times, she said she would but she only changed the
background and a day later changed it back.
So yeah, those are my old posts that had completely good reasoning. She started posting a lot about me on her blog, and this didn't really get resolved until 2 months later when she finally removed her blog.
But guess what?! She's plargiarzing again!
Yes, with her new blog "Animal Jam Life",
click here to see it. She put it back up after she scammed Imperative, which you can scroll down to one of my old posts to read about. I guess she thinks that people won't hate on her cause she's "rare" now.
Just by looking at her blog, you can see that she's copied the basic structure of my blog. Yeah, anyone who works with blogger can use this template, so it's not considered illegal plagiarizing, just copying. Then you can see that she's copied my bright letters on black backgrounds idea, which yeah, anyone can do, so it's considered copying. She has the "meet the authors" thing in the same area as I do, with images. She has the "search this blog" in the same place I do, too. She stole the images from my sidebar, and placed them on her sidebar too. I got them from Sheesh4's Animal Jam Insiders and I have mentioned credit to her in my past posts, even though we don't own the images, Animal Jam does. So it's considered copying. She has the "Quotes" in the same place I do, too.. which irks me a lot. Anyone can do that, and she didn't copy my quotes directly, so it's copying. (I asked these people their permission to use their quotes on my blog) She also has the scrolling text in the same spot I do, which is considered copying because yes, I did a 'How-to' post on how to do that, but it bugs me how it's just like mine, and just adds to the factors that she's copying.
But look at the top of the blog.
The tabs read, "Home - About Us - Post Requests - Lessons of Jamaa - Rarity Scan - Ask Us? - Truth Is?"
Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it? Well let's explore a bit further.
Click here to visit her "Lessons of Jamaa" page. I created up the term, "Lessons of Jamaa" with my own brain, I didn't steal it from someone else, and no, I don't have a patent on it, but I do have copyright rights on my blog, all blogger blogs do. She seems to have "Episodes" instead of specific numbered posts.. and they all follow the basic themes that mine do. Admitting you scammed before, Losing friends to rares, and one is actually about me. I've posted about her, yes, but I don't recall doing anything to harm her. Sure, I've been a little harsh before, as some of you have witnessed in my recent posts and comments, which I did apologize for. But yeah, everyone can be a bit rude at times. I've never plagiarized her past posts, have I? I think not.
Now let's move to
Magic's "Rarity Scan" page. Yes, I did make up the term "Rarity Scan" with my own brain, I didn't steal it from anyone else. First off, I don't mean to sound like a bragger or be cocky, but I don't think she should be writing these kind of posts. She hasn't had a whole year of experience with rares, like I have, and right now is the rarest she's got (3 Average Top hats) by SCAMMING. I don't mean to brag, but I don't think jammers should be trusting her with trading advice, I already feel uncomfortable telling trading advice. >.< Now, scroll down. It seems she's done the same sort of thing I have, and has covered the same items I have, using the same pictures I did. Last time when I called her out on plagiarizing, she copied and pasted snowyclaw and I's exact posts. This time, she used the information that I generated, and just reworded it. Props to her for being clever, but if this was an actual blog that had millions of views everyday, and wasn't about a virtual game, I would most likely take her to court and file a lawsuit against her, and most likely win. (Just sayin'.)
She has the same "Ask Us?" page idea. MANY blogs do this, so I'm not too concerned. Yet, it does add to the list of similarities between her blog and mine.
She does have a "Truth Is?" page. But, it's not the same idea as mine. Mine talks about my past, all the mistakes I've made, and how I became who I am. But her page talks about the truths of
other jammers. So far, it only has one post about her best friend, and how amazing she is. But I'm guessing she's most likely gonna post about some jammers that piss her off, so I'm excited to see what she writes about me on this page.
I find this revolting. I'm just gonna speak what I personally think about this. I don't think it's her job to post about how awful and how many other mistakes other jammers have done. I post about other jammers, and what happened between us, but I don't post about them just to make myself look better. I post about them to show what I've learned, what I've experienced, and what I've taken away from it, and hopefully it can help my readers be better jammers. Society is already SUPER judgmental nowadays, and no one likes it that way, yet we are society, and we do naturally judge other people because we're human, but this is just getting insane. And I can't believe it's happening on a scrony game like Animal Jam. If you don't like someone, you can debuddy them and block them, and with all the servers and lands and rooms we have, you most likely won't see them for a few weeks. And who cares if you do see them, and they act b*****y towards you? You report them, go to a different room, to your locked den, and they don't even matter. They most likely live hundreds of miles away from you, and unless you have told them your name, phone number and address (which I hope you didn't) then you have nothing to worry about.
Whoa, that last paragraph got off-topic.
Anyways, some of my friends were reacting to her copying my blog again, and here is what they had to say:
Magic is doing it again. Copying Goldy's blog and what she does. Like every single time. She thinks forgiveness for her "mistake" would be great for her. How is scamming a mistake? You did it on purpose. If you want to fix your "mistake", then give the tops back. You even said you were going to give one back. But you never did. Cause all you cared about is the rares. You did it to all of us. Copying her blog to make you seem like you know what you're talking about. Religion isn't a part of a mistake. Keep it in chruch. You're not a true Jammer, and you'll never be one. Forgiveness isn't going to help you for scamming. You could just give them back and get your own rares like how everyone else did it. Unlike you, Imp was giving the top because she cares about her friends. She top me that you said to Sebrina that you weren't even gonna give back a top. Wow. I would've given everything back by now. You started the drama. I did not start anything about it. She's just telling how you shouldn't be treated like nothing happened at all. You're ingreatful for what you did, can't get your own rares. I can't belive you would do this either. Maybe be a jammer and actually give them back to her. And then you can be treated like you always have been. Cause right now you deserve nothing from anyone. I don't know how you keep doing this. No one should trust you by now.
(Note: She does use a lot of crude language.. )
Dear magical b****,
Get the f*** off her blog. Nobody likes you. Stop plagiarizing, you know it's illegal. You dont want to be caught doing illegal stuff do you? I mean come on, are you seriously that desperate to get attention? Are you really that uncreative to where you cant make up your own blog posts? Are you seriously that stupid?You are an immature 12 year old who doesnt give a f***. Just wait until everyone on AJ turns their backs on you, saying "hey look we got a b***** up in here!" with a sarcastic tone. I personally think you should back the f*** off and stop stealing. You do you know stealing/plagurising is illegal, right? Or are you just that retarded? I seriously think you should go back to third grade and learn about what illegal things can throw you into jail.
I don't know about you, but I do know one thing: what you're doing now can seriously affect your future. Lets start off with you stealing s*** off of her blog. Now, lets look at your future in high school. All you will be doing, while some get educated and others talk about who had s** with who, who's smoking p**, etc, you, on the other hand, will be stealing from your local stores. You do realize you go to jail for that.. right? I know stealing off the internet and putting it as your own page may not seem like a big deal to you, but it really is.
Long story made short, just stop plagiarizing before you end up doing this but in more severe ways, and you end up in jail, and then nobody will like you.
If she really is a true christian and she really wants to be forgiven than she should give back what she traded it for.
So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say. All I know is that I'm sick of all this drama with her, I even gave Imperative my own Striped blue top to try and make her feel better.
That's all for now!