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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Youtube Channel

Hi Guys!
I gave my YouTube Channel a Makeover once I switched to Goldfishypuppy, and now that I know how to take screenshots and make videos on a Windows! Haha.
I just made a new 'Welcome to my Youtube Channel' Video that is up!
I'll put a link in the sidebar sometime soon, but for now to get to my channel you can..

Thank you guys for supporting me so much!!! :)


  1. Wait, your XxFreeSpiritxX because if you are YAY! You came back. :D

  2. Hey Goldfishypuppy, just asking...
    Right now , what AJ account are you using often?
    XxFreeSpritxX , Breathless, or Goldyfishpuppy ? (Or another one that I don't know? )

  3. Three stars, Goldy, Freedom... Breathless!



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