Hi! Welcome to JWT! Check here for daily updates! Breathless's Buddy list is full, so add Goldfishypuppy2. I hope you enjoy my blog, don't forget to comment and vote on polls! :)~Breathless

Ask Me*

Notice: Pages starred with '*' are out of use, due to the fact that Breathless and other blog authors don't work on them/edit them anymore, but it was voted by JWT readers to keep them up because they still provide information for jammers. We are sorry that this page isn't in use anymore, if you would like to know something or ask something please comment on the most recent post with your suggestion, comment on the 'Post Requests' page (to the right) or email Breathless at animaljamgoldfish@aol.com, Thank you for your cooperation!

Hey Jammers!
Here you can ask Goldfishypuppy (Me) questions about anything.
It doesn't have to be AJ related, it could be totally random!
Please don't get too personal, I don't prefer to share that kind of information ;)

Please don't be mean, and ask away!


  1. I know this isn't a question but you rock!!! I love your blog!!!

    1. I would like to make a quote'Shooot for the moon .even if you don't make it you will land AMONG the stars!"

    2. okay my friend hana777, said breathless has a skully, and I think she lied. Does breathless really have one?

    3. its a comment :D

    4. I agree you rock you guys!! :D

  2. Can I make a quote? If I can Here it is
    "Dream, but don't dream too much, or you'll never wake up."

    1. I like that quote! Although I only post AJ ones and I'm REALLY picky :/ Sorry!

    2. lol my wuote is im like an american flag full of shi* and love yourself and never change unless you can be a unicorn then be a unicorn !
      im anjelly54 !

  3. Hi, how did you get the Animal Jam Graphics on the sidebar without the background showing up? Thanks :)

    1. I took them from Sheesh4's blog! animaljaminsiders.blogspot.com!

    2. Hey i love ur blog and ur animals!!!!! Add me im albin458.If anyone here has a black rare bow then im prepared to trade it for epic croc plush!! thx

  4. im getting the slight suspicion that you people are really really dramatic! i read all your posts and stuff but i don't really see how you people just explode at each other. *shrugs*
    i don't know you... so yea, i just read your blog like a few days ago...so no offense! :/

  5. Hey its hayes849 here y did u quit your other blog i miss you alot

    1. goldy, if u get buddy request from hoipoipoi, it will be me.

  6. Hey goldfishypuppy, I was wondering how do you get the moving text at the top of the blog I really need it.-thanks-infinitychips-P.S. I never knew a lot of top hats from the rarity scan but now i do.-infinitychips

  7. what would be considered your favorite item to wear goldy?

    1. My black worn! Yet I just traded it :(

    2. That is my favorite item too! My animal (Crunchy Berryfriend) has worn an entire grey/black matching outfit scene Beta.

  8. I like your blog do you like mine? (toughest questions ever) If you have not seen it. It is called the Jammerzine!


  9. Just wondering, but, why is XxFreeSpiritxX a member again...?
    Did you give it away...?
    I must sound super nosy right now.


    1. I bought a lion card about two months ago, and still have a few weeks left.

  10. Hi Goldy! What are tan carpets worth? And do you think they'll ever come back out?


    1. Uh, well, they were worth way more when they were 'glitched'. Ever since they became un-glitched they have suddenly became way more common (I don't know how) and not many people want them. Currently, I'm confused on what there worth. The most I see anyone offer or trade for it is about red gazelles. I am almost positive they will come back out, since there must be a reason for them becoming un-glitched and non-member flooring hasn't been sold in over a year now.

  11. Goldy, What is your favorite item in animal jam? (You don't have 2 own it) Just pick out of these topics....
    1. Solid Blue Top.
    2. Pilgrim.
    3. Founder.
    4. Solid Black Top.
    5. Blue Worn.

    1. I guess I'll categorize them.. I've never had blue worn, but I'll judge it based on my brown worn experience.
      1. Founder - I've almost ALWAYS had a founder. I remember one day I accidently traded my founder badly, and I started freaking out really bad because I didn't have one.
      2. Solid blue top.
      3. Solid black top.
      4. Blue worn.
      5. Pilgrim.

  12. Goldy, Can you get thesafari07 to admin my blog while im gone?

    1. She's not my buddy. I guess you could jamagram her?

  13. When you were quitting and sending stuff away, did you ever feel feelings of regret?

    1. Yes, I do. I regret giving some high rarity items to certain jammers. A lot of them have changed, and in my opinion don't really deserve them anymore. I have taken 2 top hats back from people, not for rares, but for not being that old great friend. D:

  14. This is a really random question. Do you have a blue hat and beard?

    1. Depends what you mean by hat. I don't have any blue top hats, but I have a blue fox hat...? I only have one black beard.

    2. Oh Hat and Beard is the real name for Santa Hats.

  15. Can I perhaps add a quote? It is:
    Rares are like One Direction, fans get even more obsessed about them every day.

    1. Sorry, I don't really add more quotes anymore, but I like your quote! As I am a directioner myself :)

    2. I strongly dislike one direction, so that quote does not really work for me.

  16. hey goldfishypuppy! I just traded a gold lava for a gold mummy, rare non-mem mech angel wings, rare locket and rare fox hat. I am happy but was that a good trade?

    1. I wouldn't have done it, but I'm glad your happy! :)

    2. Yeah its a good trade! -infinitychips (I'm too lazy to log on :T)

  17. Hey I have a question if someone asked u to be ur buddy would u remove someone? And do chu scam cause I saw on a blog it said u scam -.-

    1. I like all my buddies! I don't like to remove anyone, yet I hate to reject buddy requests! :( I have scammed once.

    2. Who do did chu scam and ok.,. And what did u scam for....???

    3. I posted about it in Lessons of Jamaa #4.

  18. hi im cupcakegirl01 i love your blog and wahts a wavy pink wall and beta wood tv worth?

    1. I don't really know, to be honest..

    2. Wavy pink wall I suggest you dont trade for one, as its valentine and it will come out soon so you can get as much as you want :D. Beta tv is in my opinio worth:
      ·A small blue table.
      ·A beta computer.

  19. Hi! I just started reading this blog and I LOOOOVE IT! I have a blog myself and I was wondering how do u do the little scroll words at the top? (The ones tht run sideways) also how do u get the flashing letters?

    1. You can scroll through my 'How-tos'. There is one about Rainbow links, and one about the scrolling letters.

  20. Is it considered "only care about rares person" if you try really hard always to get your dream item?

    Sometimes people say "Anyone who always tries to trade and is rare is over obsessive and only cares about rares."

    I don't think it's true, but I do care a bit about what people think about me. What should I do?


    1. I wouldn't think so. As long as you keep it in moderation. If people have a problem, you could try explaining to them, and if they don't listen, they weren't your true friend at all.

    2. It took me a year and a half to get my dream item. XD I kept my hopes up! I got it July 1st and I still have it to this day. :3 I also had strange dreams about it, too.

  21. Goldy, im heii0, and i'm sorry i was mean. Can you please add me again? i sensearly apologize, and i .never stopped reading posts on your blog

    1. Thanks for the support! My buddy list is full, but you can add Goldfishypuppy2. :D

    2. Can I ever add you? You can add me on xxmangoswirlsxx OR Addition6. I use Addition6 more 'til I be a member on XxMangoswirlsxX

  22. Hey Goldy? Just wondering, how often are you gonna have contests on your AJG's Contest Blog?

    1. Were currently having a poll about that, so far it looks like we are going to have one every week!

  23. Goldy can we ever eventually be buddies? And why are rares even rare? They are just a few pixels -.-
    I wish I could help newbies and unrare people. I am pretty rare, but I only like the rares I have because they are pretty :3 Please tell me if there is any way I can help!


    1. I hope we can! It's hard to have such a small list. I wish AJ would have an update, and have 200 buddy slots! Rares are rare because once the first items went out of the catalog, and others had items others wanted, they naturally became 'rare'. I understand that. Here's an idea: When you see clearance items, you could buy a few extras of those and give them to new jammers after they go out of stores.

  24. Can you visit my blog? The link is snowydogsanimaljam.blogspot.com. Please leave a comment or two, too. Can you talk positively about it? I will be ever grateful. I get so sad when I have like 500 page views but only 3 comments.

    1. I can't post about it, since that would be unfair for everyone! I can visit it, and add it to the 'More Blogs' page.

  25. ok goldy i have a question when u say you see ppl on skpe to other jammers for example Hey nasser get on skpe does that mean u see each other face to face in real life? thanks and please answer back that will rlly be nice thanks :D

    1. Nope. That means that I want to talk to him in private messaging, so only he knows. It's a more private way of talking to someone then on AJ, and it's easier because I could talk to him on Skype, and talk to somebody else on AJ.

  26. I don't hate impostors. They are just a tad frustrating, especially if they pretend their me and do bad things. Nice impostors are okay though! ^-^

  27. Do you think it would be a good idea if I made a video of what it's like for new jammers? I would do it by making another account and doing things like, asking if I could sit on the bridge. It would show good and bad sides of jammers and test the theory that it is hard for new jammers.

    1. I think that would be cool, but hard to explain to New Jammers of how to go watch it and stuff.

  28. hey Goldy, in one of your posts, one of them said infinitymagicheroisback was in a scam clan, but i heard she worked at AJHQ. I thought AJHQ people don't scam, unless she doesn't really work there...

    1. Infinity is a guy, and no, he doesn't work for AJHQ. AJHQ Workers don't play regularly, talk, or have buddies.

  29. Hey I have a question goldy... What state do u live I just need yo know that not anything else! Thanks!!

  30. Hey goldy, can you read a comment I posted earlier on your newest post? That's it I guess... Oh p.s. this peppywolf my comment's the really long, pfft... it's not that long, but you'll see it.

  31. Do you know what Blue Vines are worth? Also, which is rarer Blue Vines or a Black Rhino Helmet?

    1. They are pretty even, but I would say the rhino is rarer.

  32. Hiya Goldy! How do you become an author of this blog?

    1. Click on where it says "Want to post your story? Click here!" and fill out the form.

  33. this is an awsome blog :D this is first time i looked at it now im gonna comment a lot more

  34. How do I send you a picture? I seen you on aj, and I would like to send a picture.

  35. Hello goldy! I just wanted to know if you could get any present on AJ what would it be? (if its less rare than pigtails)Thx!
    Signed,A person you know on AJ and u will soon know who i am :)

    1. Hmmm... It would be a light grey rhino, or a mira statue. I think those are cool! :)

  36. Hi goldy! I'm going to make a blog, but I don't know what the name is going to be.
    And how do you advertise your blog?

    1. You can advertise your blog by commenting on other's 'More Blogs' pages and ask them to post a link to your blog. Good luck!

  37. What kind of dogs do u like and do u have one?

    1. I prefer bigger, tougher, brown/black dogs. I have a few dogs.

  38. No Blogger likes to be impostered. In the real world, it's illegal.

    I don't care if people copy my looks or nametag. I take it as a compliment. ;D But I don't like it when they copy my blog and pretend they are me. :/

    ~Princess PrettyWolf

  39. Hiya Goldy! I just wanted to know, what is a rocking horse worth? Thanks! ;)

  40. I got a blogger question
    how do you get the OLD version of blogger? Cottonball2 told me that it is better than the new version...
    By the way i LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. I got a blogger question
    how do you get the OLD version of blogger? Cottonball2 told me that it is better than the new version...
    By the way i LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Old version? I don't know what you're referring too...

  42. Goldfishypuppy where did you get your pink guzzles!!!!! I love them so much! What did you trade for them? Did you find them on storage?

  43. Oh cool!! What was her user? :O

  44. How many dogs do chu have?!?!?!?? And what kind of animals/pets do u like or have?? Thanks!

  45. G0ldfishypuppy d0 chu have a fav0rite c0l0r? If s0, wut c0l0r?

  46. im not goldy but i think its lime green
    hope i helped :D

  47. Cool! Thanks HeSoYam7! I really wanted 2 know! I always thought it was a neon yellow :|

  48. How do I get more views on my blog?

    1. Hey Moonwolfa! You want more views on your blog? Well, you can always ask other bloggers to put your blog on their 'More Blogs List.' You can go around Jamaa and say, "CHECK OUT BLAHBLAHBLAH AT POOF.BLOGSPOT.COM!" Or something like that. Hm.. I hope I helped. Have an EPICLY EPIC day!

  49. Hello! Snowfall334 here! (Again) I have a question about a trade. Is a Headdress worth a spike? Thanks :)

    1. headdresses are not worth spikes at all
      hope i helped :D

  50. Hi, was wondering how to get that gadget where it's like "Visitors" and "Who's online" with the world thing. Please, I'm trying to add more stuff to my blog--> myjamjournal.blogspot.com

  51. also another question: How did you get that text part moving at the top?

  52. Goldy.. or should I say Reffy. I wanted to know, how you became so famous and rare in a short amount of time. I have only had my blog for a few months and I only have 2,000 views and little comments. That makes me happy. I was wondering how you felt with 30,000 views!?! I was also wondering. You wouldn't buddy me on your new account, but when I asked on Goldy you said, "If I had an open slot, I would." Why don't you buddy me? You seem nice and all. I really want to be like "BFFS" :) Have an EPICLY EPIC day! Thanks.

  53. Goldy.. or should I say Reffy. I wanted to know, how you became so famous and rare in a short amount of time. I have only had my blog for a few months and I only have 2,000 views and little comments. That makes me happy. I was wondering how you felt with 30,000 views!?! I was also wondering. You wouldn't buddy me on your new account, but when I asked on Goldy you said, "If I had an open slot, I would." Why don't you buddy me? You seem nice and all. I really want to be like "BFFS" :) Have an EPICLY EPIC day! Thanks.

    1. Peeps, can I tell you something?
      You know when you have these overobsessive buddies? One of my old buddies was obsessed with the Warriors series. Whenever they got on, they're like, "Hello, Firestar." I don't like the Warriors that much!
      Then, I have this buddy who's like, "Hey, bff!" First of all, you aren't supposed to have bff's on this game, unless you actually know them. And they ALWAYS want to trade. Sometimes, im just a little tired of trading! That's the downside of having a buddy who likes you a ton!

    2. Umm... by "BFFS" I meant good friends. I am not overobsessive!! Who said you can't have BFF's? Also, I said "LIKE" Bff's. ;P I need to see you in AJ.

    3. lparents sorry brimad!!!November 15, 2012 at 5:44 PM

      Brimad8? I don't remember seein u as a buddy....I meant some other friends, not you, lol!!!! I don't like buddies who always follow you around, you know, who can just chill on their own and visit u sometimes :)

  54. Hello, Reffy/Goldy! I just wanted to know: how old are you? Just wanted to know, as your birthday is coming up... So I knew what to give you, you see. It's ok if you can't answer coz of private info!


  55. Hello Reffy. Why have you stopped answering comments? If you can't answer them then take the page down. And I have a question - how come you became so rare in such a short time? And how come you have so many rares when you keep on saying rares are bad?

    1. Refrain doesn't have to take down the page, it's her blog. She became so rare in such a short time because she was "dating" a jammer named "Cubanboy" who quit. He gave her many of his rares... Refrain still has "so many" rare because she, well, can. She likes them.

  56. You know why AJ is giving out rares like it's Christmas? Because, people FIGHT over rares. And some jammers are made fun of because they don't have any rares. But, once you can get the rares they're aren't rare anymore.
    So AJ isn't giving out rares! They're just giving out stuff that USED to be rare....

  57. hi cbeemer919 here i have a question for you can you buddy me on animal jam

    1. Sorry, my list is full. D: You could add Goldfishypuppy2 if you want.

  58. Hey, Breathless! I love your new username! Here's my question: How do you make your banners? Thanks!

  59. Hi Goldy/Breathless! I've always been a fan of your videos and such. I have a question: How do you make your banner up at the top? (Jamaa's Written Truth- The chaotic secrets of Animal Jam)
    I would be overjoyed if you replied!

  60. Also.. I have a blog as well, Stargazealicornaj.blogspot.com.
    Could you maybe add it to the 'More Blogs'? Please? .-.
    Thanks again,

  61. What's the font at the top of your blog? **Blog Title**
    Thx! :D

  62. Hey Goldfishypuppy :)
    I started reading your blog after seeing your posts in Snowyclaw's blog and after clicking your profile Breathless in the Top Commentors at the side of Snowy's blog. I just wanted to ask... How did you make your Blog Title and what's the font you used? (Just curious X3)

  63. hey goldfish puppy? I am having a clan games on Dec. 2nd all day and i need a sponser and advertiser can you be those for me like advertise on your blog it is for anyone who wants to be in it they just have to message me at mayhem010 i also needs hosts

  64. are you a girl or boy

  65. can you do a story on cyber bullying? i have a perfect story to go with it email me at laurenstar01@aol.com or contact me on animal jam my user is mayhem010

  66. Can you add me gold of anyone else my user is joshandcole

  67. Hey goldy do you ever use goldfishypuppy2??

  68. Guys, this is a question about my life . Well, its time I say it.

    I like someone. (sorry to make you scroll)
    And, my friends hate him, except i dont I have to pretend i hate him too, but i really dont. And, I cant make it obvious i like him, either, or molly (my bff) will suspect something. What do I do? I posted this on snowys but i cant just SAY it because molly will be super angry at me.

    1. Your friend, Molly, doesn't seem like a true BFF if you have to hide your crushes from her. It's never good to make it obvious to everyone that you like someone, but you should at least trust a true friend to know.

  69. eerr, was that toooo personal?? lol

  70. Hey I have a question, anyone can answer I want all of your opinions.

    What do you think of a former scammer?

    Not someone who was a huge scammer before, but only scammed a few small items and someone who pledged to never scam again and kept that promise. This same person also said they were very very sorry and admitted that they scammed.

    Do you think that person is a bad person?

    Would you rather be friends with another person who has never scammed before than with this former scammer (who will never scam again)?

    Does it matter if they scammed before or not if they won't do it again in friendship?

    (Personally, I think it doesn't matter if they scammed before or not, as long as they won't do it again and they are nice but I want to hear what you think)

    1. It does not really matter. They stopped, and they promised not to do so again. They're still the same person, and I would prefer both.

    2. I, as a former scammer, and I've known some before, do not think they are a bad person if they've pledged to stop. It depends on the people's personalities, who I would rather be friends with.

  71. I just made a new blog, and I was wondering.. Could I do an idea similar to your "Lessons of Jamaa" posts? I will give complete credit if requested and will not claim it as my own.

    Thanks! :)

    1. Yes, you can, but, if you use the name "Lessons of Jamaa", I would like credit for idea. Thanks!

  72. what for a top of urs? im Dudespie and i have been trying really hard 2 get a founder or top hat


    1. Sorry, their not for trade, I'm giving them away!

    2. Wait your giving them away? Can I please have one?

  73. Why did you decide to change your name from Goldfishypuppy to Breathless? P.S. Can you check out my blogs? Click on my profile to see them. Thanks!

    1. According to Breathless, she changed username because she was bored of being a member. At least that is what she said to me.

  74. What's your favorite thing about Jamaa?

    1. Personally, mine are, in order of preference:
      2.Playing games
      3.Decorating my den
      5.Going to parties

  75. goldfishpuppy how can we join da blog?-aries7890

    1. I am not Goldfishypuppy, but I will awnser anyway.
      You can join the blog Clicking the blue button that says `Join the blog´ in the `Trusty Jammers´ gadget.

  76. Hi, this is habeneromaster here. I just wanted to ask how rare a green beta tiki mask is and what it can trade for thanks. XD

  77. Okay, this is the most random question:
    If you were in a spaceship with 500 singing musqitoes, singing your favorite song in an annoying high pitched voice,with a blood sucking vampire that wanted your eyeballs for a snack, with a big flower that was eating your earwax, also a cat that was licking your lips becuz they tasted like peppermint, and your computer was freezing up and crashing while you were playign your favorite game, RIGHT WHEN YOU WERE ABOTU TO FINISH IT, what would you do?

    1. i would use a bazooka and kill the musquitos, a shotgun for the cat, pick the flower, and kill my computer. Any other questions?

  78. Gold, I just traded my nm bat wings,a legend, and a locket for a black worn, and I don't know if that was an under trade or not. So now when people come to me I want to make sure im not getting cheated. So lately when jammers have been asking me "What for worn?" I say a short pink, green, or yellow (Since those are not as rare as red or black) spike collar and tail armor. They all think im crazy but i don't want to lower my trade. What do you think? Is it an un fair trade? ~Nemo6655

    1. I dont think so. I'd give in and trade ya if i had all that XD

  79. has anyone seen the raspberry bows? I have one and its really cool. Yes its a sky high rare. do any of you know how to get 0 gems in that game? that's how you get all the cool stuff.

  80. I just got an Eyeball Hat! ur right... falling in love is azum! it's purple and i didnt hafta work hard to get it!

  81. I... just... got... non member.... batwings.... and.... im... going... to.... pass.... out... soon...

  82. I know you probably aren't gonna see this, but i just wanted to know... what is a red black or orange spike collar worth? I really want to get one, but I need to trade something good and I don't know what..
    p.s. Can I buddy you? If so which account? Goldfishypuppy or Breathless?

    1. I dont know what spikes are worth, but the order of rarity of the ones you mentioned are:

  83. HI!ok i have a big itch on me.(not an actual itch but like a question!)do you know the new animal for animal jam for 2013?!i need to know!!!

  84. The animal is a Raccoon
    By the way I can't find anyone willing to trade fox hat for my gold lava glove >.< I think gold lava is worth way more then fox hat but everyone i traded declined =/

  85. GoldFishPuppy, I was bullied on Aj because the other person is popular. If it happens again, what should I do?

    1. If that happens again, if I were you I would.
      1. Delete them if they are on your list.
      2. Block them.

    2. 1. They weren't my buddy.
      2. Thanks.

  86. Hey its moonbeam1... idk if u saw my most a while ago but umm send me mail! I need to see someone IK because YALL DELETED ME DX lol no its fine :D

  87. How to get Founders hat??
    Please reply.

  88. Hi its Mcp2421. Um i traded a rare bow for tail armor, is that a fair trade?

  89. Hi its iamneo1 do you think this is a good trade my music for their red worn and NM scary bat wings 4 my worn?

  90. 1. Your music for a red worn = bad trade.
    2. NM Bat Wings for your worn, depends
    on the person ;)

  91. LOL. ok, this is a really stupid question and very very random, but i just wanted to ask:

    Do u like waffles!?


    1. o_o OF COURSE SHE <3 WAFFLES...
      Doesn't everyone like waffles? *acts innocent*

  92. how do you make art on the top of your bloggie? :3

  93. my sister got hacked and she knows my user and password and i don't know how too change it what do i do?

  94. what would you do if you were accused of hacking while you didnt hack and a giant stampede of mad jammers went after you saying REPORT<REPORT <REPORT!?~zipper787

  95. Hey..Um..I somewhat rare and have know nothing about whats equal to what rare and whatever.I have non member bat wings...and now just a second ago,i got a trade for my member wings (i forgot what their called,but their black on the outside and white and red on the outside) for a nm bat wing!I accepted,so now i have 2 nm wings.So what im basically asking is,what are nm bat wings worth?The top of my want list is a worn and a fox hat.I dont know.My account is silkebee2000...so..yeah. :3

  96. can i please join jwt im olyandtabbs to see me go to my blogs

  97. evil horns where to find please i beg u answer

  98. What is your AJ user???

  99. i would like you to do a some den tips because i arn't 1 of those crazy beta traderz and i like editing dens or animals ~lol23233
    (p.s. i know this idea is weird ^D^)

  100. also i have another 1 its if aj belives in zois and mira is it like a non cristian game ??? cus i am a cristian thanks i know its another weird comment ^3^ lolz but it ish kinda interesting <3 thx 4 listening yours always ~lol23233

  101. also this isn't a question but a comment (a good 1) did u find how the zois/mira legend wus kinda like the adam & eve story o3o <3 yours truly ~lol23233

  102. Hey I got a question are pink beta tails worth more than a pink tophat?


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