(Note: This is 9/6/12's post, I'm publishing it now because I'm just that angered.)
Hi Jammers!
Okay, it all started out when I quit on XxFreeSpiritxX.
I didn't give out my top hats until a week later. I wasn't comfortable sending them to offline people.
Well, a week later when I came back for a visit I ended up sending them anyways. I totally forgot about my best friend, Fatpanda96. I still had my favorite solid blue top hat. I offered to trade it back to the original owner, Cruiser7. He ended up doing a HUGE overtrade for it, worth more then a tan top hat. I traded all that stuff and pink gazelles I still had for Silver101's tan top hat. I kept it for a little while, played with it on XxFreeSpiritxX, since I wasn't a member yet, and told my friend on Skype who was Pandy's friend on Transformice, and she told Pandy to get on.
Once she got on, she already knew I had a surprise for her. I sent the top hat, added a star stamp, and she opened it, freaked out, but it wouldn't let her accept it. She reloaded, I was nervous, and the she could accept it. She started shouting "OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!" and all that, and promised to give it back to me if I ever wanted, even though I was almost positive I wouldn't.
After I became a member on Goldfishypuppy, I asked her if I could try it on, since I hadn't had a tan top before. She flat out said I couldn't. I didn't get it. If I was generous enough to give it to you, you can't let me play dress-up for two minutes? I was kinda mad about this, but told myself I would get over it, and respected her decision.
After I got my beta eye, you already heard the story about that a few lessons back. Pandy traded her striped blue for the tan carpet so I could get a fair trade, because I gave her a tan top. At that time, I didn't see what was coming. I really wanted Lemonfreeze12's brown worn. I was talking to him about how I was going to ask for Pandy's tan top back, because I didn't appreciate how she was complaining so much, she's changed, she's not the old best friend I remember, and I just didn't like her new 'vibe'. He said he would trade the worn for Tan top, red top, Brown Pilgrim, and a black striped top hat. Now, I really wanted this worn blanket. Before my offer was less, and he said it was still the best trade before I mentioned this tan top hat to him.
A few days later, Pandy got online, and I explained my situation to her. My friend, RjKingBeast was also there. She knew what was happening, and once I asked for the tan top hat back, nobody said anything. I eventually decided to break the silence and said, "...did that show?" and Pandy said "No..". RjKingBeast told me on Skype that it did show. I was mad then. After about another 10 minutes or so of debating, she eventually sent it back. I told her I was planning to trade the worn blanket for a blue striped and stuff, to get her old blue striped back in which she was complaining about.
Later that day I traded lemon for the worn blanket, but it wasn't how I imagined it. It was boring. Kind of gross. Just.. blehh. I didn't really like it, and I told that to lemon the next morning. He kept saying supportive things like, "That worn is worth more then freedom wings." "I had to trade more for it." and we started talking about trading. He said that the key to trading is patience, and if you always decline everything, people will want it more and offer more. I realized that that's what he did to me. He liked my original offer, but kept declining and I traded way more then I could have. I didn't like that feeling that he kind of tricked me. A few days later, I asked to trade back. He was overjoyed about having his 'dream' again to have Red top hat and Tan top hat at the same time again. I didn't feel really bad, I already had got him his old 'dream' of having membership again, yet I don't regret it. He said, "Oh.. there was tradebacks.. that would have been nice to know.." I got all worried, that he already traded one of the items, and started thinking about how to get a fair trade quickly for this worn. He traded back after a bit of stalling, and was super furious. "I was done with this game anyways" he said, and logged off. That whole event got me in a funk, I removed all my rares, and logged off. I wasn't really in the mood for debating no more. The next week or so, I didn't wear rares and I admit, was kind of rude. Lemon got on every now and then, still didn't act like him old self. I eventually got over it, and so did he.
A few nights ago, I traded the tan top for a good trade that I wanted. I didn't know if panda was still playing, but I was nervous. After she sent the tan top back, she went to epic wonders, said she was quitting, made all her animals black, but I had to go. I didn't know if she actually quit or not. I traded the tan top, and was 110% happy for a few days. Until yesterday night, Pandy got online and jamagrammed if I was still trading lemon. At the time, me and lemon were having a serious conversation in his den. I told him to go on my chatbox, and we both logged out. I admit, I went offline to avoid panda. We finished talking on the chatbox, he had to go, and later that night I went on again. I was in the temple of zios, and had this greyed out loading screen, so I could see what was happening in Jamaa, but couldn't do anything. I saw her say, "Why'd you trick me, Gold? :(" and I reloaded and I went to her den. Apparently, Panda's friend, Uniquelog (My old friend, yet we had no fight..) was talking to panda, and she said how "I tricked her" and Unique started jamagramming me things. I told panda to come to my den, and explained everything that happened. I had a blue striped at the time, but I wasn't comfortable nor had the willpower to give it to panda. She said, "Oh, you don't have to get me a blue striped. I'll just quit, It will be better for everyone." Now, that was why I wanted the tan top back in the first place. Because of this attention-seeking complaining, new version of her that wasn't like the panda I remember giving the tan top too. All I said was, "You're doing it again.." and she was confused. She didn't get what I mean. I didn't have the courage to tell her, and said I was just going to go off. She said, "I'll just quit.." all I said was, "bye.. see you later.. or not." And I logged off. I didn't like the situation.
Well this morning, (9/5/2012) I logged on, and I looked in my inbox. Jasper521 had jamagrammed me, "YOU STOLE PANDY'S TOP HAT, RARES HAVE TAKEN OF YOU, NOW I HEAR YOUR (Next jamagram) TRYING TO BE RARER THEN SOMEONE! HAVE FUN WITH YOUR RARES. :)" I was confused by what she said. I didn't 'Take Pandas top' I took my own one back, but if you don't have the decentcy to look from my point of view, don't judge me. I'm trying to be rarer then someone? I figured this one out. She talked to CookiezNCream, But before I say the rest, let me clear something up. Long long long story short, Me, Cookiez, and Lemon scammed a Very rare item of Jasper's, and me and lemon Backstabbed Cookiez on the deal, and we all got mad at eachother, and I just recently apologized to Cookiez and were friends now. Now to Continue.. She must have talked to Cookiez, which I don't get, because there enemies, and Cookiez must have said I'm trying to be rarer then her, because we have the same items. Yesterday morning, she said, "I have almost all the same items as you except you have extra founder >:D" Which I took as a little friendly competition thing, and I tried to say as nice as possible, "Well, I have two non-member wings, too." and she must of taken that otherwise..
Also, my good guy friend, who we've been through a lot, but I know he would be serious on this case, he jamagrammed me: "PEOPLE ARE PLANNING TO TAKE YOUR RARES, BE CAREFUL ON WHO YOU (Next Jamagram) TRUST" Now, I'm not going to say his user because incase these scammers he's talking about, asked him on the plan and he just agreed to get information, they would be mad about them.
So, I don't know who actually is trying to scam me, but in these situations it seems
Jasper251 and CookiezNCream and maybe Fatpanda96, Edit: I found out that it was Uniquelog, Jasper521,and some others planning to scam me, and they were trying to convince Fatpanda96. No offense to all of them, they're all very nice once you're good friends with them. Just know, that I record all suspicious activity on AJ, that's how I got 45 minutes of HighQuality Scamming, so If you try to pull anything on me, well, good luck.
Update: Well now, the same person that starred in our 'MAKE IT STOP, MAKE THEM STOP!!!!" Post, just got in my drama. Everyone is saying that I'm the bad guy, even though they didn't hear the whole story, since I haven't published this. Don't judge me, if you don't know the whole story. I did in fact get Fatpanda's striped blue top hat back, but never showed it to her. I was planning to give it back, but now she's starting all these rumours. I showed it to this girl who was in our other story, and she said I just want to trade it for more rares. How sterotypical? She always acts like I'm just about rares. She said that I wouldn't understand whatever she was talking about, even though she's never tried to explain and still hasn't. She says I never had friends ignore me when I was non-member, and I said, "Were you there with me every single moment of everytime I've been on, even in my private me-only locked den?" She replied, "Maybe I was, you were just to busy TRADING!!!" Wow. So much drama, I can't stand it. At least I'll find my true friends, and I'm going to say what I want, do what I want, 'cause I'm not gonna hide behind a mask again.